The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at SanghaSeva
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2023-07-23 A Wholehearted Approach To Samadhi 50:12
Zohar Lavie
SanghaSeva Cultivating The Beautiful

2023-07-23 Cultivating Pleasant Listening - Meditation Instructions 1 63:51
Nathan Glyde
Adjusting our breathing and listening to incline towards a pleasant abiding.
SanghaSeva Cultivating The Beautiful

2023-07-22 Establishing the Practice - Guided Meditation 1 42:42
Zohar Lavie
Includes suggestions for good posture for stillness practice, and instructions for movement (walking) meditation at end
SanghaSeva Cultivating The Beautiful

2023-07-22 Dharma Opening to Cultivating The Beautiful 23:08
Nathan Glyde
What is possible for us? What is the beautiful in relationship to these teachings, and for us personally? And what will we do, on this retreat, to cultivate it.
SanghaSeva Cultivating The Beautiful

2023-07-22 Practical Opening to Cultivating The Beautiful 18:36
Zohar Lavie
SanghaSeva Cultivating The Beautiful

2022-08-27 Transitioning 24:23
Nathan Glyde
SanghaSeva The Heart Unbound

2022-08-26 Sowing Fulfilling Intentions 48:52
Nathan Glyde
Exploring the teachings of 5 Remembrances, 2 Sorts of Intention, and the many faces of Avidya.
SanghaSeva The Heart Unbound

2022-08-26 Meditation Instructions 6: Upekkhā 59:28
Zohar Lavie
SanghaSeva The Heart Unbound

2022-08-25 Guided Meditation: Upekkhā to Phenomena 40:55
Nathan Glyde
Offering a peaceful tour around the body and opening all the senses out in equanimity, to meet all things free from preference.
SanghaSeva The Heart Unbound

2022-08-25 Reflections on Equanimity 48:52
Zohar Lavie
SanghaSeva The Heart Unbound

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